Saturday, June 2, 2012

Metasploit on IPhone 4S and IPad 2

With the recent Absinthe Jailbreak which opens up firmware 5.1.1 to Cydia, we once again tried to get Metasploit running on these iBabies. After a bit of fiddling around with various ruby package versions, its seems like the following combination works well with the latest version of Metasploit 4.4.0-dev (as of May 2012).
Of course, you need a jailbroken iPhone or iPad, with apt, OpenSSH server and a SSH client, such as iSSH. Once you are SSH’ed to your iPhone / iPad, run the following commands:

# Install basic tools
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install wget subversion

# Download correct version of ruby and dependencies

# Install them
dpkg -i iconv_1.14-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -i zlib_1.2.3-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -i ruby_1.9.2-p180-1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb

# Delete them
rm -rf *.deb

# Go into /private var and svn checkout the msf trunk.
# Don't download the MSF tar.gz due to svn client versioning issues

cd /private/var
svn co msf3
cd msf3/

# Check that Metasploit is running
ruby msfconsole
As no blog post is complete without a reverse shell screenshot, here’s a popped shell from the iPhone:

Info from

1 comment:

  1. 雑誌にも掲載された話題の人気ブランドと言えば、イギリスの魔女ブランド――Vivienne Westwood!
    ヴィヴィアン iphone ケースの一品で夏気分!独特のデザインに目を引付られた。ファッションブランドのVivienneは反逆性とエレガンスを兼ね備えたアヴァンギャルドなデザインで知られる、セレブも愛用されている名ブランド。それとは、スタイルが正反対なのは、ディズニー iphoneケース!可愛い雰囲気に満ち溢れたディズニーの主人公たちと一緒に子供時代に戻かり、純粋な子供心を取り戻す。
