This document explains how to make use of NVIDIA video hardware and
install the drivers on a Kali Linux system. The first step is to fully
update your Kali Linux system and make sure you have the kernel headers
apt-get update
apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Next, download the latest NVIDIA driver for your architecture and video card
here. To locate your NVIDIA card model, execute the following command.
root@kali:~# lspci | grep -i vga
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce G210M] (rev a2)
03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C79 [GeForce 9400M G] (rev b1)
The next step is to disable the
nouveau driver.
Nouveau is a open source NVIDIA driver project, however it lacks the 3D graphics acceleration needed to run Cuda pentest tools.
sed 's/quiet/quiet nouveau.modeset=0/g' -i /etc/default/grub
Once the system has rebooted and you are looking at the GDM login
screen, press CRTL+ALT+F1 in order to get to a TTY, which will be a
black screen with a login prompt. We need to login as root and stop the
gdm3 service as follows.
service gdm3 stop
If you are on a 64-bit Kali system, you may want to install the ia32-libs
package in order to allow the NVIDIA installer to install the 32-bit
libraries, although this is optional. If you choose not to do it, simply
select no when the installer asks if you want to install the 32-bit libraries.
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs
Assuming you downloaded the NVIDIA driver to your /root/ directory, we need to give it executable permissions and run it.
chmod 755
Once the installer finishes, you should reboot your machine. Once the
system boots back up, you may see a NVIDIA splash screen, which will
indicate that the drivers installed correctly, however, this is not
always the case. In order to check if the drivers are working properly,
execute the following command.
root@kali:~# glxinfo | grep -i "direct rendering"
direct rendering: Yes
Although utilizing the Cuda tools included in Kali is beyond the scope
of this article, checking to make sure that they are working properly is
always a good idea. The following command uses Oclhashcat-plus with
some of the example files included in the package.
cd /usr/share/oclhashcat-plus/
./cudaHashcat-plus.bin -t 32 -a 7 example0.hash ?a?a?a?a example.dict
cudaHashcat-plus v0.14 by atom starting...
Hashes: 6494 total, 1 unique salts, 6494 unique digests
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes
Workload: 256 loops, 80 accel
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: GeForce G210M, 511MB, 1468Mhz, 2MCU
Device #2: GeForce 9400M G, 253MB, 1100Mhz, 2MCU
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4318/m0000_a1.sm_12.64.ptx
Device #2: Kernel ./kernels/4318/m0000_a1.sm_11.64.ptx
Generated dictionary stats for example.dict: 1210228 bytes, 129988 words, 129988 keyspace
As you can see in the output above, the cards are recognized and the passwords are being recovered successfully.
thank to the for this tutorial. try to help my friend.
happy hunting!!