Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pyrit Project

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Pyrit allows to create massive databases, pre-computing part of the IEEE 802.11 WPA/WPA2-PSK authentication phase in a space-time-tradeoff. Exploiting the computational power of Many-Core- and other platforms through ATI-Stream, Nvidia CUDA, OpenCL and VIA Padlock, it is currently by far the most powerful attack against one of the world's most used security-protocols.
WPA/WPA2-PSK is a subset of IEEE 802.11 WPA/WPA2 that skips the complex task of key distribution and client authentication by assigning every participating party the same pre shared key. This master key is derived from a password which the administrating user has to pre-configure e.g. on his laptop and the Access Point. When the laptop creates a connection to the Access Point, a new session key is derived from the master key to encrypt and authenticate following traffic. The "shortcut" of using a single master key instead of per-user keys eases deployment of WPA/WPA2-protected networks for home- and small-office-use at the cost of making the protocol vulnerable to brute-force-attacks against it's key negotiation phase; it allows to ultimately reveal the password that protects the network. This vulnerability has to be considered exceptionally disastrous as the protocol allows much of the key derivation to be pre-computed, making simple brute-force-attacks even more alluring to the attacker. For more background see this article on the project's blog.
The author does not encourage or support using Pyrit for the infringement of peoples' communication-privacy. The exploration and realization of the technology discussed here motivate as a purpose of their own; this is documented by the open development, strictly sourcecode-based distribution and 'copyleft'-licensing.
Pyrit is free software - free as in freedom. Everyone can inspect, copy or modify it and share derived work under the GNU General Public License v3+. It compiles and executes on a wide variety of platforms including FreeBSD, MacOS X and Linux as operation-system and x86-, alpha-, arm-, hppa-, mips-, powerpc-, s390 and sparc-processors.
Attacking WPA/WPA2 by brute-force boils down to to computing Pairwise Master Keys as fast as possible. Every Pairwise Master Key is 'worth' exactly one megabyte of data getting pushed through PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1. In turn, computing 10.000 PMKs per second is equivalent to hashing 9,8 gigabyte of data with SHA1 in one second. The following graph shows various performance numbers measured on platforms supported by Pyrit.

The following graph shows an example of multiple computational nodes accessing a single storage server over various ways provided by Pyrit:
  • A single storage (e.g. a MySQL-server)
  • A local network that can access the storage-server directly and provide four computational nodes on various levels with only one node actually accessing the storage server itself.
  • Another, untrusted network can access the storage through Pyrit's RPC-interface and provides three computional nodes, two of which actually access the RPC-interface.

What's new


How to use

Pyrit compiles and runs fine on Linux, MacOS X and BSD. I don't care about Windows; drop me a line (read: patch) if you make Pyrit work without copying half of GNU ...
A guide for installing Pyrit on your system can be found in the wiki. There is also a Tutorial and a reference manual for the commandline-client.

How to participate

You may want to read this wiki-entry if interested in porting Pyrit to new hardware-platform. Contributions or bug reports should be posted on the Issue-tracker. General questions get answered on Pyrit's mailing-list; just send an eMail to or see

Pyrit tutorial

This document will guide you through your first steps with Pyrit. Before continuing, you should have Pyrit installed and working. See the Installation-Wiki for details. You will also need to have Scapy installed, which should come with your distribution or may be installed from source. Pyrit can use SQLAlchemy to access various kinds of SQL-databases and you'll need to have it installed if you want to try that feature as explained below.
You should also take a look at the manual when new commands get introduced below; more information and details about the features a command provides are given there.
Throughout this tutorial we will refer to files and examples that are distributed together with Pyrit's source-code. Therefore the first step is to get yourself a copy of the source-code tarball, unpack it and switch to the /test-directory:
tar xvzf pyrit-0.3.0.tar.gz
cd pyrit-0.3.0/test
You should find three files within this directory that will be of interest for us:
  • dict.gz is a gzip-compressed wordlist
  • wpa2psk-linksys.dump.gz is a gzip-compressed dump of a WPA2-PSK handshake
  • wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz is a gzip-compressed dump a WPA-PSK handshake

First steps with capture-files and wordlists

Pyrit can understand packet capture files in pcap-format. These files basically contain what was captured from the air. Our first meaningful step in this tutorial is to let Pyrit analyze one of the capture files and give us some information about the content.

Analyzing a capture file

Issue to following command to analyze the file wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz:
pyrit -r wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz analyze
Pyrit should answer with output very similar like the following:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Parsing file 'wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz' (1/1)...
587 packets (587 802.11-packets), 1 APs
#1: AccessPoint 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 ('linksys')
  #0: Station 00:13:ce:55:98:ef, handshake found
  #1: Station 01:00:5e:7f:ff:fa
  #2: Station 01:00:5e:00:00:16
Pyrit has successfuly parsed the capture file and found one AccessPoint with BSSID 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 and ESSID 'linksys' and three Stations communicating with that AccessPoint. The key-negotiation (known as the fourway-handshake) between the Station with MAC 00:13:ce:55:98:ef and the AccessPoint has also been recorded in the capture file. We can use the data from this handshake to guess that password that is used to protect the network.
Please note that Pyrit can transparently read/write gzip-compressed files; this becomes very handy when dealing with large wordlists or cowpatty-files that may take hundrets of megabytes.

Attacking a handshake and revealing the password

We now use the example wordlist dict.gz and let Pyrit guess the password that was used in the key-negotiation between AccessPoint 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 and Station 00:13:ce:55:98:ef. The correct password should get detected, if it is part of the list. In our terms, this is known as a "passthrough-attack". Issue the following command:
pyrit -r wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz -i dict.gz -b 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 attack_passthrough
This tells Pyrit to take the capture-file wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz and attack the key-negotiation with AccessPoint 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 using the dictionary-file dict.gz.
Please note that you do not always have to tell Pyrit which AccessPoint to choose from the capture-file - Pyrit will usually be able to figure that out by itself.
You should get a response very similar to the following:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Parsing file 'wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz' (1/1)...
587 packets (587 802.11-packets), 1 APs
Tried 4091 PMKs so far; 935 PMKs per second.
The password is 'dictionary'.
We've successfully revealed that the password used to protect the network 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 is "dictionary"...

Interlude: Stripping a capture-file from unnecessary cruft

Capture-files are usually simple dumps of the traffic captured directly from the air. For our purpose, we are only interested in a very tiny fraction of the traffic between AccessPoint and Station. Pyrit can help reducing the size of a packet-capture file by analyzing the traffic and throwing away all packets that are of no use for us. We end up with a new, very small capture file that still holds all valuable information and is useable with other tools like Wireshark.
Please note that stripping a capture file is not necessary. It's sole purpose is to make life a little easier when it comes to large capture files.
Our original example has 587 packets and a size of roughly 13kb. Issue the following command:
pyrit -r wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz -o wpapsk-linksys_stripped.dump.gz strip
You should get a response like the following:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Parsing file 'wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz' (1/1)...
587 packets (587 802.11-packets), 1 APs
#1: AccessPoint 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 ('linksys')
  #0: Station 00:13:ce:55:98:ef (1 authentications)
New pcap-file 'wpapsk-linksys_stripped.dump.gz' written (4 out of 587 packets)
The new capture file wpapsk-linksys_stripped.dump.gz has a size of only a few hundred bytes and contains only three from the key-negotiation (used to attack the password) and one beacon-frame (used to detect the network's ESSID).

Working with Pyrit's database

As you may already know, guessing the password used in a WPA(2)-PSK key-negotiation is a computational-intensive task. During this process, more than 99.9% of the CPU-cycles have to be spent to compute what is known as the Pairwise Master Key, a 256-bit key derived from the ESSID and a password using the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1-algorithm. One of the major weaknesses of WPA(2)-PSK is that the Pairwise Master Key has no elements that are unique to the moment of the key-negotiation between AccessPoint and Station. It is therefor possible to pre-compute the Pairwise Master Key and store it for later use. In the moment of attacking a key-negotiation, we are left with the remaining 0.1% of what depends on session-unique data. It is therefore extremely valueable for an attacker to pre-compute large tables of Pairwise Master Keys for common ESSIDs.
This is where Pyrit's database kicks in. It can store ESSIDs, passwords and their corresponding Pairwise Master Keys, possibly growing to the size of hundrets of millions of entries. Starting with a fresh installation of Pyrit, your database will most probably be empty. Issue the following command to get an overview:
pyrit eval
Pyrit should respond like this:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Passwords available: 0
Nothing fancy to see here, yet.
Please note the default filesystem-based storage 'file://'. We'll come to SQL-databases later on.

Populating and batch-processing the database

In order to make the database usefull, we'll populate it with passwords from a wordlist. Issue the following command:
pyrit -i dict.gz import_passwords
Pyrit will read the file 'dict.gz' and store the wordlist in it's internal database format. You should get a response like the following:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
10202 lines read. Flushing buffers... All done.
Please note that you can add more passwords to the database later on; the command 'import_passwords' ensures that duplicates within the wordlist or between the wordlist and the database are tossed out and not stored again. For now, run the 'eval'-command again to see how the database has been populated with passwords from 'dict.gz'. You should get output similar to this:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Passwords available: 4078
You'll notice that Pyrit has only stored 4,078 out of the 10,202 passwords from the file. Pyrit has automatically filtered passwords that are not suitable for WPA(2)-PSK and also sorted out duplicates. Now that we have some passwords in the database, we have to create an ESSID. Issue the following command:
pyrit -e linksys create_essid
... and you'll get an output like this:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Created ESSID 'linksys'
Run the 'eval'-command again and you'll see that ESSID 'linksys' has been created in the database:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Passwords available: 4078

ESSID 'linksys' : 0 (0.00%)
The database now contains enough information to start batch-processing it. Pyrit will take all (ESSID:password)-combinations, compute the corresponding Pairwise master Keys and store those for later use.
Please note that you can stop Pyrit's batch-processing at any time (with ctrl+c or sending SIGTERM). Pyrit will start at the point where it stopped the next time you start batch-processing. Issue to following command:
pyrit batch
... and watch how Pyrit crunches through the database until it runs out of work:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Working on ESSID 'linksys'
Processed all workunits for ESSID 'linksys'; 1035 PMKs per second.
Batchprocessing done.
You can use the 'eval'-command once more to see that all workunits for ESSID 'linksys' have been computed.

Using the database to attack a handshake

We can now use the Pairwise Master Keys stored in the database to attack the same handshake as in the example above. Instead of running a "passthrough-attack", where the database is not touched at all, we issue a "database-attack" like the following:
pyrit -r wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz attack_db
Please note that we did neither specify the network's ESSID nor it's BSSID.
You should get a response very similar to the following:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'file://'...  connected.
Parsing file 'wpapsk-linksys.dump.gz' (1/1)...
587 packets (587 802.11-packets), 1 APs
Picked AccessPoint 00:0b:86:c2:a4:85 ('linksys') automatically.
Attacking handshake with Station 00:13:ce:55:98:ef...
Tried 1639 PMKs so far (39.8%); 1577435 PMKs per second.
The password is 'dictionary'.
Again, the password protecting the network has been revealed.
While our example uses an extremely small wordlist and the performance-numbers are thereby not very reliable, attacking a handshake from a database of pre-computed Pairwise Master Keys will usually crunch through more than one million passwords per second. You can also run a database-attack against the second capture file 'wpa2psk-linksys.dump.gz', which will also take use of the pre-computed Pairwise Master Keys.

Scaling up: Using a SQL-database as storage

Using a SQL-database instead of the filesystem will give you some benefits:
  • Real ACID-compliance, backup- and load-balancing-features.
  • Multiple Pyrit-clients can operate on the same database at the same time over the network.
  • Meta- and binary-data are (possibly) stored independent of each other, making the database easier to query and operate on.
Pyrit uses SQLAlchemy and can therefor use all kinds of SQL-databases for it's internal storage mechanism: SQLite has all the benefits described above (except the network-functionality), MySQL and PostgreSQL require some setup but provide more features and better scaling. Please refer to SQLAlchemy's documentation for more details about supported databases.
Using a database as storage is extremely easy - all you got to do is to provide an alternative connection-string instead of 'file://' that Pyrit uses by default (please refer to the manual for details about the connection-string). In the following example, we use a SQLite-database stored in the single file 'mydb.db':
pyrit -u sqlite:///mydb.db -i dict.gz import_passwords
Please note that we do not have to care about creating the database (in the case of SQLite) or any tables within it. Pyrit will take care of this. You should get an output very similar to this:
Pyrit 0.3.0 (C) 2008-2010 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+
Connecting to storage at 'sqlite:///mydb.db'...  connected.
10202 lines read. Flushing buffers... All done.
Setting up a MySQL- or PostreSQL-server is beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, after setting up the database-server, creating a (empty) database and providing the necessary credentials, the required steps in Pyrit are the same as above. For example, to use the (already created) database 'pyrit' on a PostgreSQL-server at with user 'pyrit' and no password, your commandline would look something like this:
pyrit -u postgres://pyrit:@ -e linksys create_essid
To make life a little easier, you can save the default connection-string in Pyrit's configuration-file at '~/.pyrit/config'. Change the value of the key default_storage to a new connection-string and you won't have to supply it every single time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

International Morse Code

In my R.I.P blog this article i haved post it, but now i publish it ones more for reviews.......

Amateur Radio Linux Distribution

- Knoppix for Ham Radio operators

  • AI9NL - Harv's Hamshack Hack
    - Harv's Hamshack Hack. A remaster of the KNOPPIX distro for Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) who have no prior experience with Linux. Provides a complete OS, software for hobby, web, and word tasks. All contained in an .iso file ready to burn to CD.

  • Amateur Radio using Ubuntu
    - A guide for users of Ubuntu amateur radio software
    General support of Amateur Radio using Ubuntu /Linux.

  • digipup
    - A Linux Live CD for hams, based on Puppy Live CD.

  • FDGnuX

    - FDGnuX new linux live-cd for Ham Radio (in french)

  • Fedora and Amateur Radio
    - A guide for users of Fedora amateur radio software

  • LoopHam Linux
    - Ham radio Distribution of the linux operating system that can be installed on and run from a dos system (msdos and win95/98 in dos mode)
    It include all AX25 ham needed packages and a small web server

  • Ubuntu ham radio software
    - Ubuntu software packages in "karmic", subsection hamradio

  • Ham radio programs for Linux platform

    Maybe this link can help Linux Ham Radio user to testing different program for their radio. Happy
    testing ......

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    • Radio Explorer
      - Graphic viewer for shortwave broadcasting and programming schedules. Supports viewing schedules in an expanding table and on a 24-hour Gantt chart using the local time and the UTC time display modes. Runs on multiple platforms.
    • X-APRS
      - APRS™ for Linux is a multifaceted system for use with packet radio by Hams, it allows the monitoring of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. It envolves mapping, GPS tracking, packet radio, etc
    • XASTIR
      - Xastir is program for receiving and plotting APRS™ position packets. Development is a collaborative effort of programmers and amateur radio enthusiasts from around the world. Xastir supports many map formats and is highly customizable.
      Xastir runs on Windows/MacOSX/Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/Lindows. It supports 125 map formats, several types of TNC's and weather stations, Festival speech synthesizer, AX.25 networking (Soundmodem/Baycom/SCC!) and seven languages!.
    • Acarsd
      - acarsd is an ACARS decoder for a LINUX or Windows PC which attempts to decode ACARS transmissions in real-time using up to three Soundcards. acarsd is also a realtime ACARS Server, for the worldwide spotter and ACARS community.
    • Grig Radio Control

      - Grig is a freeware simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham Radio Control Libraries (Hamlib). It is intended to be highly generic presenting the user to the same graphical user interface regardless of which radio is being controlled.
      Grig supports the most commonly used CAT commands that are implemented by Hamlib, and integrates well with other ham radio programs like Xlog and gMFSK.
      Grig has been developed on Linux, but has been ported on Mac and Windows OS.
    • FFT Explorer
      - A free (GPL) Linux (Xwindows GUI-based) utility that performs spectral analysis on real-time data from a sound card or other source, and can analyze the spectra of various sound file types. It can also accept data from many kinds of applications in plain-text form by way of the "named pipe" feature of Linux
    • SuperNEC antenna simulation
      - Hybrid Method of Moment (MoM) and Geometric Theory of Diffraction (GTD) program. Matlab based GUI interface. Genetic optimizer included. Windows/Linux versions.
    • Visual Moon Tracking
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    • FBB Packet-radio BBS
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    • CLLOG
      - Free german Open Source HAM Logging Program unter the terms of the GNU General Public License. CLLOG runs under MS-DOS (Windows DOS-Window under 3.x,9x,NT,ME,2000) and LINUX. All Functions for Logbook.
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    • Linrad
      - Multiplatoform freeware DSP software. Linrad has its origin in software that was developed for 144 MHz EME CW but it is quite general and should be seen more like a kit for designing a receiver that a receiver for some particular usage.
      It can be used as a CW receiver with a small time delay and a fast waterfall graph. A dsp for conventional receiver to imporve signals readability, a spectrum analyzer.
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    • Satscape
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    • jLog
      - jLog is a modern Freeware Ham Log program that can run on all major platforms, e.g. Mac OS X, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, Windows, etc. It offers a nice, clean interface and allows efficient entry of QSOs.
      Import or Export of data using the standardized ADIF 2 format is possible to easily exchange data with any other decent Log program.
      Built-in CW Keyer, CAT control for many popular, rigs, DX Cluster tracking, call lookups
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    • Pile Up!

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    • AFU Knoppix
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      The CD is targeted for radio enthusiasts, the Linux operating system and the applications on this CD are structured so that they can run from the CD without effecting the installed existing system software. *
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      - The AFU Knoppix CD contains software for the operating modes of PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, FAX, APRS and packet radio. Additional applications for Sat tracking, logging, locator referencing and antenna computation are also included.
      The CD is targeted for radio enthusiasts, the Linux operating system and the applications on this CD are structured so that they can run from the CD without effecting the installed existing system software. *
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      Internet DX-Cluster support, Keeps track of your worked Callsigns, Checks your worked Grid Squares per band, Databases for worked Grids and Callsigns
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      [Hits: 2600 | Votes: 6 | Rate: 8.33]
    • GcmWin for Linux
      - Great Circle Map for Linux, available for Debian, freeware by SM3GSJ

      [Hits: 129 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • glfer
      - glfer is a program for reception and transmission of QRSS/DFCW signals. It is composed of two main parts: the spectrogram window, where you can see the spectrum of the received signal vs. time
      the transmission functions, to emit cw characters at a slow but precisely controlled speed, using the QRSS (slow CW) or DFCW (Dual Frequency CW) modes
      [Hits: 879 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • gMFSK
      - Linux free multimode HF terminal program. Despite the name, gMFSK can send and receive many digital conversational modes typically used by radio amateurs on HF. Supported modes are:
      MFSK (MFSK16 and MFSK8) RTTY THROB (1, 2 and 4 throbs/sec) PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK) PSK63 MT63 Feldhell
      [Hits: 2256 | Votes: 5 | Rate: 9.00]

    • Gpredict
      - Gpredict is a satellite tracking program for Unix-like operating systems. In the begining (v. 0.1.x) Gpredict was just a GUI client to John Magliacane's excellent satellite tracking program, Predict, but due to performance problems it has been decided to include the tracking code directly into Gnome Predict (v. 0.2.0 and later).
      [Hits: 824 | Votes: 4 | Rate: 8.75]
    • Gpredict
      - Gpredict is a real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application. It can track an unlimited number of satellites and display their position and other data in lists, tables, maps, and polar plots.
      [Hits: 623 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 9.67]
    • Grig

      - Grig is a simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham Radio Control Libraries (Hamlib). It is intended to be highly generic presenting the user to the same graphical user interface regardless of which radio is being controlled.
      [Hits: 520 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • Grig Radio Control
      - Grig is a freeware simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham Radio Control Libraries (Hamlib). It is intended to be highly generic presenting the user to the same graphical user interface regardless of which radio is being controlled.
      Grig supports the most commonly used CAT commands that are implemented by Hamlib, and integrates well with other ham radio programs like Xlog and gMFSK.
      Grig has been developed on Linux, but has been ported on Mac and Windows OS.
      [Hits: 7401 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 7.00]
    • Ham Fax
      - HamFax is an application for sending and receiving facsimiles in amateur radio and for receiving public facsimile broadcasts like weather maps. Supported interfaces are sound cards and the SCS-PTCII from Special Communication Systems.

      [Hits: 1262 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 5.50]
      - Ham Lookup is a high-performance, platform independent application available on CD-ROM for both Windows and Linux for the purposes of quickly finding Amateur Radio call signs in the U.S. FCC database.
      [Hits: 880 | Votes: 7 | Rate: 7.57]
    • HF software digital modes for linux
      - This software allows a standard PC soundcard to be used as a shortwave data "modem". The whole processing is done on the main processor CPU.
      Support RTTY Amtor (Sitor) and Pactor 1 by Thomas Sailer, HB9JNX/AE4WA
      [Hits: 640 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 3.00]

    • IBP - Beacon Monitor
      - Linux program that helps one with monitoring the beacons of the International Beacon Project, by continuously showing which beacon is transmitting on which frequency, along with the distance and antenna directions by PA3FWM
      [Hits: 548 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • iDXSpot
      - DX Spots announced by speech in phonetics (or plain). Connect to the worldwide DX-Cluster via the Internet easily. Calculates distance and bearing between Grid locators and sends Grid & distance. Hot buttons to see DX-Spots on specific bands. Editable Hot buttons. Easy switching between favourite DX-Clusters.
      [Hits: 2806 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 7.67]

    • Java GUI for dttsp
      - This is an attempt at writing a GUI in Java that runs with the Linux dttsp code.
      [Hits: 1492 | Votes: 7 | Rate: 6.57]
    • jLog
      - jLog is a modern Freeware Ham Log program that can run on all major platforms, e.g. Mac OS X, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, Windows, etc. It offers a nice, clean interface and allows efficient entry of QSOs.
      Import or Export of data using the standardized ADIF 2 format is possible to easily exchange data with any other decent Log program.
      Built-in CW Keyer, CAT control for many popular, rigs, DX Cluster tracking, call lookups
      [Hits: 3445 | Votes: 8 | Rate: 9.37]
    • KC2IVL - FT100 for Linux

      - Yaesu FT-100 radio control software for linux
      [Hits: 1027 | Votes: 16 | Rate: 4.49]
    • Kenwood TH-D7 - tkD7
      - tkD7 is an expectk script for controlling the Kenwood TH-D7 HT on Linux or FreeBSD
      [Hits: 385 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 9.00]
    • KLog
      - KLog is a Ham radio logging program for Linux / KDE

      [Hits: 570 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • LiHaLo : LInux HAm LOgbook
      - Freeware ham-radio logbook written in PHP, and based on Apache and MySQL, even if developed undex linux has been tested with windows and macosx by on4axv and on5dqz
      [Hits: 2326 | Votes: 5 | Rate: 7.20]
    • LinPsk
      - Psk31 program for Linux, supports up to four simultaneous receive windows.
      [Hits: 3813 | Votes: 5 | Rate: 7.40]

    • Linrad
      - An open source software defined receiver for Linux, Free DSP and Windows
      [Hits: 2455 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • Linrad
      - Multiplatoform freeware DSP software. Linrad has its origin in software that was developed for 144 MHz EME CW but it is quite general and should be seen more like a kit for designing a receiver that a receiver for some particular usage.
      It can be used as a CW receiver with a small time delay and a fast waterfall graph. A dsp for conventional receiver to imporve signals readability, a spectrum analyzer.
      [Hits: 4591 | Votes: 14 | Rate: 8.44]
    • LinRepeat

      Priority listing
      - LinRepeat is free repeater control software for Ham Radio that runs on Linux. It is easily configured and modifiable, and is licensed under the GNU Public License version 3 (GPLv3). It's intended to be as simple, fast, and stable as possible. It relies on other software such as Gstreamer although the program itself is written entirely in Perl.
      [Hits: 1559 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • linsmith
      - A Linux Smith charting program. You can enter either discrete components or transmission lines, see the results on screen and/or generate Postscript output. Component values can be changed numerically or using scrollbar
      [Hits: 111 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • linSmith - Smith chart utlity

      - A Smith charting program. You can enter either discrete components or transmission lines, see the results on screen and/or generate Postscript output. Component values can be changed numerically or using scrollbars.
      [Hits: 514 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • Metux SSTV radio fax solutions
      - Provide software and appliances for picture transmission via SSTV and radio fax. Software products are available on GNU/Linux and may be easily used for automatic (non-interactive) image transmissions and receival.
      [Hits: 2245 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 1.00]
    • Miltimonitor
      - Linux Radio Transmission Decoder support AX.25 POCSAG DTMF ZVEI by Thomas Sailer, HB9JNX/AE4WA

      [Hits: 1102 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • Multi-SETI@Home Monitor
      - A graphical add-on package to monitor seti@home activity that may be running on multiple computers over a network or multiple instances on the same computer. Runs on Windows or Linux.
      [Hits: 697 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 3.00]
    • NBEMS
      - The Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System (NBEMS) for Windows is a suite of software programs designed for point-to-point, fast, error-free, emergency messaging up to or over 100 miles distant, and takes up a very minimum of frequency space on the ham bands, leaving more space for other ham activites.
      [Hits: 538 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]

    • OpenBCM
      - The BayCom-Mailbox is an amateur radio/citizen band AX.25 Bulletin Board System with AX.25 store and forward capabilities. The software is available for Linux, DOS and Win-NT. OpenBCM is opensource and freeware.
      [Hits: 561 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • PC-ATV
      - PC-ATV is a program to generate testcards on your PC for tx over the ATV bands now with over 40 testcards from around the world. QRA and DTMF programs included.
      [Hits: 1699 | Votes: 15 | Rate: 5.47]
    • phpHamLog

      - Amateur radio open source log program written in PHP. Put your log online for visitors to browse in real time. Access your log from any web browse, can run under windows linux and macos with apache, mysql and php
      [Hits: 317 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • Pile Up!
      - Pile Up! is a CW contest training program. The program requires a SoundBlaster (or compatible) card Available for Linux and Windows 95.
      [Hits: 3345 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 3.00]
    • PSK31LX
      - Modification to psk31lx originally written by Hansi, DL9RDZ, uses ncurses instead of a graphical interface and can run in a terminal window

      [Hits: 164 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • Pyhamclock
      - Pyhamclock is a simple application that shows a useful display of both the UTC date and time and your local date and time.
      [Hits: 85 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • pythonProp
      - pythonProp is a collection of Python scripts designed to plot files produced by VOACAP. The package currently contains two scripts, both of which make use of the matplotlib library
      [Hits: 121 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]

    • QAntenna
      - Freeware antenna analyzer for linux
      [Hits: 843 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 9.00]
    • Qgrid
      - Maidenhead grid squares calculator, and bearing and distance program
      [Hits: 2477 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 7.00]
    • QSSTV for Linux

      - SSTV program for the Linux platform with several functions written by ON1MH Johan
      [Hits: 4742 | Votes: 11 | Rate: 7.00]
    • Qucs - Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
      Priority listing
      - Qucs, briefly for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can view the simulation results on a presentation page or window. Run on Linux.
      [Hits: 541 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 9.00]
    • Radio Explorer

      - Graphic viewer for shortwave broadcasting and programming schedules. Supports viewing schedules in an expanding table and on a 24-hour Gantt chart using the local time and the UTC time display modes. Runs on multiple platforms.
      [Hits: 10218 | Votes: 51 | Rate: 8.01]
    • RCOM for Linux
      - Terminal program for serial device.
      [Hits: 1892 | Votes: 4 | Rate: 2.00]
    • RoverLog
      - Free VHF/UHF/Microwave contest logging software for rovers and non-rovers - Runs under Linux, Windows, etc.

      [Hits: 1848 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 7.00]
    • RSCW
      - RSCW is a Linux/Unix program for decoding morse signals using the computer's sound card. It has been written/optimized for digging weak signals out of the noise.
      [Hits: 1504 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • RTPDir bridge software
      - rtpDir: rtpDir_for_EchoLink_and_IRLP
      RTPDir bridge software(Real Time Protocol Director).
      It can be used on the Amateur bands, Government, commercial and private nets, or direct user to user without any radios connected.
      [Hits: 886 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 4.00]

    • RUMtrol746PRO
      - This program is used for the ICOM IC-746PRO, IC-7400.You can edit all the setting and write it to file for later use. Runs on Windows Linux and MacOSx
      [Hits: 607 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • Satscape
      - Satscape is a freeware program for the PC Macintosh and Linux. It produces real-time displays of where any Satellite is, and predicts passes for your locale. There are about 8000+ satellites in orbit, a lot of these are just junk and debris such as discarded rocket bodies, but quite a few are working Satellites.
      [Hits: 3660 | Votes: 8 | Rate: 7.75]
    • SCCW for Linux

      - Sound Card cw for linux
      [Hits: 3438 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 5.50]
    • SCR-Log
      - Scr-log freeware logging program for mac, windows, linux and dos. designed for school, club, and individual class stations to use during school club roundup.
      [Hits: 771 | Votes: 5 | Rate: 10.00]
    • Shackbox
      - Complete hamradio linux livecd for amateur radio operator created by F0FAK

      [Hits: 548 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 9.33]
    • SignalGen
      - SignalGen is a free (GPL) Linux (Xwindows GUI-based) utility that generates relatively low frequency signals with the use of a PC sound card. It is an entirely suitable replacement for a hardware signal generator if one doesn't require signals of a frequency higher than about 50 KHz. SignalGen creates any frequency between a fraction of one Hertz and an upper limit determined by your sound card's capabilities.
      [Hits: 999 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 10.00]
    • Smith chart calculator
      - linSmith is a Smith Charting program, mainly designed for educational use. It allows defining multiple load impedances (different frequencies), and adding components (discrete components and line sections) in series and parallel. It plots the impedances on the screen, shows the values in table format, and is able to generate publication quality Postscript output.
      [Hits: 2734 | Votes: 25 | Rate: 3.83]

    • SuperNEC antenna simulation
      - Hybrid Method of Moment (MoM) and Geometric Theory of Diffraction (GTD) program. Matlab based GUI interface. Genetic optimizer included. Windows/Linux versions.
      [Hits: 6302 | Votes: 21 | Rate: 4.70]
    • SvxLink
      - Echo Link client for Linux and general purpose voice services system for ham radio use. The svxlink server consists of a core that handles the connection to the tranceiver. The core can be configured to act as a repeater controller or to operate on a simplex channel
      [Hits: 1219 | Votes: 4 | Rate: 9.50]
    • TH-D7 perl module

      - Perl module providing control to a Kenwood TH-D7 radio via serial port
      [Hits: 228 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • TK5 for IC-R5
      - Open source software designed for the ICOM IC-R5 receiver. Linux, MacOS X and Windows
      [Hits: 253 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 1.00]
    • TLF Contest Log
      - A GPL console mode (ip-) networked logging and contest program for hamradio under LINUX

      [Hits: 756 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 10.00]
    • TNT and DPBox
      - Packet radio AX25 package running under LINUX with no special requirements to kernel or setup
      [Hits: 1846 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 5.50]
    • Trusted QSL
      - Open source libraries and utilities to support using digital signatures for Amateur radio QSL system information like eqsl and lotw. Available for windows macos e linux.
      [Hits: 1141 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 10.00]

    • TWClock
      - Linux softwrae that besides displaying local time and GMT, it can display the current time in hundreds of major cities around the world by WA0EIR
      [Hits: 279 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 9.00]
    • TWLOG
      - Twlog is a linux ham radio log program records basic Ham log information. It was writen for day to day logging, not contesting. By WA0EIR
      [Hits: 521 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • TWPSK

      - A linux soundcard based PSK program by DL9RDZ and WA0EIR
      [Hits: 590 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • ViPEC Network Analyzer
      - This program intended for electronic circuit analysis (mainly for Linux).
      ViPEC is a powerful tool for the analysis of high frequency, linear electrical networks.
      [Hits: 481 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • Visual Moon Tracking
      - Java moon tracking software runs on LINUX, Win 98, Win NT, UNIX, OSF, MacOSX

      [Hits: 6048 | Votes: 39 | Rate: 5.82]
    • VOACAP for Linux
      - Port of the popular VOACAP program, HF propagation prediction tool. It may be compiled using the GCC GFortran compiler
      [Hits: 107 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]
    • W2IOL GCGC Distance/Bearing
      - Freeware dos and linux command line executables to calculate grid great circle/geodesic distance, azimuth/bearing and MUF calculator by W2IOL
      [Hits: 401 | Votes: 0 | Rate: 0.00]

    • W3DHJ - lunix utilities for Radio Amateurs
      - A small collection of bash scripts for pulling QTH info, grid square info, propagation charts, and monitoring prop logger postings.
      [Hits: 155 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 9.00]
    • Wireless Field Day Log Program
      - A reliable logging system for Field Day based
      on wireless networking. Freeware, runs on macintosh, linux and windows
      [Hits: 1156 | Votes: 1 | Rate: 10.00]
    • X Text System home page

      - XTS is a teletext server for packet radio under linux with many functions. It can execute command...
      [Hits: 1006 | Votes: 8 | Rate: 8.63]
    • X-APRS
      - APRS™ for Linux is a multifaceted system for use with packet radio by Hams, it allows the monitoring of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. It envolves mapping, GPS tracking, packet radio, etc
      [Hits: 9967 | Votes: 21 | Rate: 4.20]
    • XASTIR
      - Xastir is program for receiving and plotting APRS™ position packets. Development is a collaborative effort of programmers and amateur radio enthusiasts from around the world. Xastir supports many map formats and is highly customizable.
      Xastir runs on Windows/MacOSX/Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/Lindows. It supports 125 map formats, several types of TNC's and weather stations, Festival speech synthesizer, AX.25 networking (Soundmodem/Baycom/SCC!) and seven languages!.

      [Hits: 8211 | Votes: 17 | Rate: 6.18]
    • Xdx
      - xdx is a dedicated Linux network client for amateur radio operators who want to exchange DX (long distance) radio information
      [Hits: 308 | Votes: 2 | Rate: 5.00]
    • Xlog for linux
      - Easy to use logging program for linux/X, written with the GTK library. Contacts are saved in a browsable list, which can be edited.
      [Hits: 3200 | Votes: 6 | Rate: 7.67]

    • XPR for Linux
      - Simple program for ham radio Uses AX25 support built in Linux kernel, works in X11 graphics environment.
      [Hits: 1722 | Votes: 7 | Rate: 4.85]
    • Yagi-logper
      - Yagi-logper is a linux GPL program to model a Yagi or Log-periodic antennas with horizontal cylindrical dipoles.
      [Hits: 748 | Votes: 3 | Rate: 7.00]

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    BackTrack 4 Wireless Driver

    This driver is considered stable and working with most aircrack-ng attacks and is loaded by default.
    • To manually load the driver
    root@bt:~# modprobe rtl8187
    • To manually unload the driver
    root@bt:~# rmmod rtl8187
    • To manually unload all the mac80211 stack:
    root@bt:~# rmmod mac80211
    root@bt:~# rmmod cfg80211
    root@bt:~# rmmod rfkill

    SIOCSIFFLAGS Unknown error 132

    In VMware environments, this driver has a tendency to switch itself off, often resulting in errors such as "rtl8187: wireless radio switch turned off", "ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) failed: Unknown error 132" and "rtl8187 - [phy0]SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132" (for the benefit of Google).
    • Plug in your USB wireless card into BackTrack.
    • Wait for a few seconds, and type: dmesg| tail -20
    root@bt:~# dmesg |tail -20
    lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
    eth0: no IPv6 routers present
    usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
    cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
    cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
       (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
       (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
       (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
       (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
       (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
       (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
    phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'minstrel'
    phy0: hwaddr 00:c0:ca:38:ab:9d, RTL8187vB (default) V1 + rtl8225z2, rfkill mask 2
    rtl8187: Customer ID is 0xFF
    Registered led device: rtl8187-phy0::radio
    Registered led device: rtl8187-phy0::tx
    Registered led device: rtl8187-phy0::rx
    rtl8187: wireless switch is on
    usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8187
    rtl8187: wireless radio switch turned off
    • Notice that rfkill has disabled the wireless card. That's the problem.
    • Use the following commands to force the card into an enabled state:
    rmmod rtl8187
    rfkill block all
    rfkill unblock all
    modprobe rtl8187
    rfkill unblock all
    ifconfig wlan0 up
    • Hopefully, the card should be working normally now. You will need to do this every time you plug in your card.

    R8187 (old IEEE driver)

    If for some reason the rtl8187 drivers fail to work, you can use the IEEE r8187 legacy driver.
    • Unload the new mac80211 rtl8187 driver and stack if loaded
    root@bt:~# rmmod rtl8187
    root@bt:~# rmmod mac80211
    root@bt:~# rmmod cfg80211
    Loot@bt:~# rmmod rfkill
    • load the IEEE r8187 driver
    root@bt:~# modprobe r8187

    Problems with the r8187 legacy driver

    In some cases, the r8187 driver fails to load with a following dmesg error
    Linux kernel driver for RTL8187 based WLAN cards
    Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Andrea Merello
    rtl8187: Initializing module
    rtl8187: Wireless extensions version 22
    rtl8187: Initializing proc filesystem
    rtl8187: Enabling 14 channels.
    rtl8187: MAC chip version: 00
    rtl8187: Card type: F1
    rtl8187: Reported EEPROM chip is a 93c56 (2Kbit)
    rtl8187: Card MAC address is 00:68:04:1e:04:1e
    rtl8187: RF Chip ID: 2C
    rtl8187: WW:Unknown RF module 2c
    rtl8187: WW:Exiting...
    rtl8187: Initialization failed
    rtl8187: wlan driver load failed
    usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8187
    If you get this, VMware hates you, and you're screwed.

    Tested and working cards

    We were able to test the following cards. Note that "passed" means "passed an aireplay -9" injection test. We will be expanding on this list as more feedback domes form the community. From our testing we found that most major chipsets were supported, as well as the most common cards.

    • AWUS036H (rtl8187, r8187) - both mac80211 and IEEE drivers - passed
    • AWUS036NH (Ralink RT2870/3070) - using the mac80211 rt2x00usb drivers - passed
    • BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) - using the mac80211 b43, works well - passed
    • Rockland N3 - (Ralink RT2870/3070) - using the mac80211 rt2x00usb drivers -passed
    • Edimax EW-7318USG USB - (Ralink RT2501/RT2573) - using the mac80211 rt2500usb/rt73usb drivers -passed
    • ASUSTek Computer, Inc. RT2573 - using the mac80211 rt2500usb/rt73usb drivers -passed
    • Linksys WUSB54GC ver 3 - using the mac80211 rt2800usb drivers -passed
    • Ubiquiti SRC - using the mac80211 ath9k drivers-passed
    • Internal Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG - using the mac80211 iwl3945 drivers-passed
    • Dlink WNA-2330 PCMCIA - using the mac80211 ath5k drivers-passed
    • Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) - using the mac80211 ath9k drivers-passed
    • Netgear wg111v2 - using the mac80211 rtl8187 drivers-passed
    • ZyXEL AG-225H v2 - using the mac80211 zd1211 drivers - passed
    • Intel 4956/5xxx - using the iwlagn drivers - passed

    Working, without injection

    • Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)
    • Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

    NON working cards

    • D-Link DWL-122 - using the mac80211 prism2_usb drivers - fail
    • Linksys WUSB600N v2 - using the mac80211 rt2800usb drivers - fail
    • AWUS051NH - fail